In Situ members deliver presentations at SCAPPS


  1. Lee E-Y*, Airton L, Jung E, Lim H, Latimer-Cheung A, Szto C, Adams ML, Dogra S, Faulkner G, Ferguson L, Peers D, Phillips S, Yi KJ. Unveiling the mosaic of identity: Illuminating intersectionality through a Delphi process for quantitative questionnaire development. 2023 Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology (SCAPPS), October 2023, Kingston, Canada. Abstract published in: Journal of Exercise, Movement, and Sport, 54(1),

  2. Lee E-Y*, Bains A, Lim H. Exploring the link between parental sociodemographic characteristics, parental concerns, and children’s physical activity during the COVID-19 pandemic. 2023 Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology (SCAPPS), October 2023, Kingston, Canada. Abstract published in: Journal of Exercise, Movement, and Sport, 54(1),

  3. Lee M, Lee E-Y*. Developing questionnaire items for assessing gender-inclusive body ideals. 2023 Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology (SCAPPS), October 2023, Kingston, Canada. Abstract published in: Journal of Exercise, Movement, and Sport, 54(1),


Introducing In Situ’s 2023-24 Undergraduate Trainees


Dr. Lee attends Breath of Fresh Air Outdoor Play Summit with Tintin